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Women and Leadership

A study carried out by Pew Research Centre on women and leadership; clearly indicates that there is little difference between men and women in key leadership traits like ability to innovate and intelligence, while many observed that women are even better than men when it comes to being compassionate and organized. Despite these facts, we see a very limited participation of women in boardroom discussions and at the upper management level. The story is same across all the continents, whether it is Asia, Europe and the US.

Many qualified women don’t get the jobs they want. Misperceptions, stereotypes and misplaced emotions on the part of either sex can still sabotage a woman’s career hopes—unless she takes a more strategic approach to her career.

How to strategically use the strengths and abilities—and the competitive edge—while mastering the emotions in even the most unwelcoming atmosphere. Learn how to build a network of support, take smart risks and view competition in a more positive light. Discover how to conduct themselves in a manner that earns them respect, and pursue their goals with positive energy. Return to their job feeling confident, ready to compete fearlessly, and in a better position to be recognized for their true capabilities.


Gender and communication – beyond gender

People respond and express themselves differently to different situations. Some are more logical, some emotional, some creative, some conventional…. Some people’s communication is characterised by strength and some have a more warm style.

Does gender have a role to play in the style in which people communicate? The research and studies have made good contribution in this area. However, this needs a lot more exploration. Are the gender differences perceived due to stereotyping or they are there for real?

To go beyond gender one has to have a good grip of the reality followed by training and practice. Ultimate endeavour is to be effective individuals at work and in life by being able to bring out the best and not being bogged down by societal stereotyping or the gender differences. Real or perceived, how to go beyond gender at work place to communicate effectively and professionally will be the core objective of the workshop!


Second Innings for Retirement Executives

Retirement is considered a huge psychological milestone in a person’s life. Some who are mentally prepared for it can handle it well and the rest can be terrified about it. But one thing for sure, as said by Henry Ford, “If you do not think of your future you will not have one”. Retirement warrants for a greater understanding of the situation, self, what is coming and what you wish to do and be and remaining grounded in reality.

This workshop will bring insights and prepare people mentally by opening up various dimensions and possibilities to live life well and make the most of this phase of life with the right mind-set. If one could take charge of the situation, it could be a time to celebrate